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My priority is to provide the market knowledge and trading expertise my clients need in order to achieve the financial success they deserve. I am a professional and Full Time Derivatives Trader and Algorithmic Strategy Developer who makes trading simple, straightforward and most importantly, profitable. Get in touch with me for more information and to discuss your trading goals.


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A decade of coding and trading boiled down to 10 indicators and 5 strategies


So what am I offering?



This is the core of my business, I assist my clients to fully automate their trading activities. Saving them time and providing them with that consistent edge (free of emotion and impulsiveness) that is needed for successful trading.

If you can trade it, I can code it!



As part of my of coding services I have also created a comprehensive set of stock screeners and custom indicators based on proven technical analysis setups to help you find the best trading opportunities in the market. Scan over 15 000 markets for;

1) Solid trending stocks in a deep oversold condition 2) Breakouts after consolidation period 3) Hidden and classic divergence 4) Reliable Pinbar Reversals 5) Harami Candle, etc



This value proposition of my services include the full assessment of your current trading strategy or idea. With access to the latest back testing and analysis tools I can help you ensure the effectiveness of your strategy in different markets and conditions. Using these same tools along with my own professional experience I can help you to optimize your trading strategy in order to perform favorably in most market environments.



I use leading financial principles in all the coaching I do with clients. The outcome is an extremely simple, high-yield approach, strategically designed to optimize risk return ratios and manage draw down. I will help you to analyze various market scenarios, and work closely with each client in order to select the best options.


As a successful Derivatives Trader, I always put your financial interests first, allowing me to provide you with personalized strategies and professional advice. My priority is helping clients maximize their trading edge in both the short and long-term.

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    About me

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    My name is Juan De Graaff Jacobs, and like you I have been part of this rat race for far too long. But fortunately I have decided to take the bold step out of the comfort zone called a salaried profession and decided to pursue my dream of achieving financial freedom. As you will shortly see my journey will seem very familiar;


    Having successfully concluded my studies in 2010 graduating with a BSc in Business Information Technology from the University of Greenwich I spent the next 7 years as a Systems Analyst working for a large multi national company.


    It was at this point that I decided to make a break and leave the 'safety net' of a salaried profession behind me and pursue my dream of becoming a full-time trader achieving the financial freedom that comes with it.

    Simply put I became tired of not having control over my time and having to spend 8 hours a day in front of a desk, utilizing my God given talents and skills to the benefit of a corporate entity for which profit is the ultimate driving force.

    You see, I hold myself to the highest standards with everything I do. I also hold before me a focused vision, and this unwavering commitment to success allows me to embrace the challenges that I face.


    I use my logical and methodical abilities to apply new methods of thinking along with the latest technological tools and services to create the best trading opportunities for myself and my clients.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can you help me to automate my trading?

    By utilizing my coding and analytical skills along with my trading experience, I can replicate any trading strategy into executable code that can be tested and optimized for any market and over any specified time frame or period. The software that I use to do this is called ProRealTime and it interfaces with one of the most reputable brokerages called IG Markets. And because of this integration with IG, I have access to historical and live market data for over 15,000 markets. So in order to automate your trading, we would first need to get you setup with an IG International trading account. Once this is done we will enable the ProRealTime platform on your trading account, this will allow automated execution of your trading strategies. At this stage I will assist you step by step to import your coded strategies into the ProRealTime software. This process is relatively simple and would even allow you to view and modify the code yourself. And unlike other trade automation software that relies on a VPN connection that constantly needs to be connected to the internet, ProRealTime runs completely in the cloud. This means that once your trading strategy is activated, it will run completely autonomously. And as an IG client you will enjoy access to their very intuitive trading app that will allow you to monitor the trades placed by your automated trading strategies in real time. And if you are a South African resident I can even assist you to get a free R1000 sign-up bonus after making just 5 trades via IG's refer a friend bonus structure.

    How can you help me to optimize or test my existing trading strategy and ideas?

    The success of any trading strategy depends on being able to consistently execute your trading edge in the markets you trade. But the truth is without testing your edge on a large enough data set, you would never really know the validity of your edge. It is very often the case that we trade a strategy that seems to perform well for a time only to stop performing well after a couple of weeks or months. Or maybe your strategy only works on certain markets, effectively limiting the number of trades you can take. Or even worse you have read about a strategy and decide to try it without knowing if it is valid or any good. By translating your trading strategy or ideas into executable code we can easily test it on any number of markets or under any number of conditions to see how well it perform. This will very quickly provide you with a window into your strategies strengths and weaknesses. The software that I use will provide you with a comprehensive report of win rate, draw down and profit potential for any given market. By utilizing the advanced analytical and optimization tools available to me along with my own experience in trading I can help you to fine tune or further develop your trading strategies into the best possible fit for your trading, thus providing you with the confidence that your strategies indeed have the required edge to remain profitable.

    Why should I opt to automate my trading?

    As an existing trader you might have realized that trading is not easy. It is probably one of the hardest things to get right and be profitable over the long run. The reasons are simply that to be profitable in trading you need a definitive edge and be able to execute that edge consistently. Unfortunately due to our human nature we are simply predisposed to fail in trading. No wonder more than 95% of traders remain unprofitable. The reasons for this is mostly because we either trade without a plan, don't have an edge, cut winning trades too quickly or let losing trades run too long. And even with the discipline to do all of the above things right, having to trade manually still exposes you to a fair amount of emotional stress. Not to mention the time it requires to monitor and manage your trades. By automating your trading, you are basically always checking all of the above boxes. Never again do emotion have to sabotage your trading. Let your edge play out and enjoy spending some time on the things you love.

    How much will this cost?

    I pride myself in keeping my services very affordable, and will hence provide you with a clear obligation free quotation that I can guarantee will fit your pocket. So please don't hesitate to contact me in order to discuss your requirements.


    FX Automate offers general trading advice that takes into consideration factors such as your trading experience, personal objectives and goals, financial means and risk tolerance. If you have any concerns, it is suggested that you seek advice from a professional financial advisor. Keep in mind that past performance is no indication of future results.


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